Die "Ernst Sturm" auf der Elbe, u.a. mit Wohnwagen beladen.

Special Regulations 2024


For widths over 2.50 m: 30% surcharge on the normal fare
Max. widths: 3,50 m (from a width of 3.20 m, please contact us in advance)


Length billing

For vehicles or objects not listed, the invoice is based on the length: per running and started meter = 5.00 €


Monthly bill and ferry cost voucher

This option is available for the transport of the vehicles listed under "Trucks" with a gross vehicle weight of 6 t or more as well as their passengers and loads. The following discounts are granted according to the ferry cost voucher:

  • for 16-20 trips per month - 15%
  • 21-30 trips per month – 20 %
  • more then 30 trips – 22.5 %


In principle, the calendar month shall be deemed to be decisive. Prior consultation with the office is required.
For the preparation of an invoice under 70.00 € we will charge 15.00 €.
Special transports: prices by arrangement, phone: +49 (0)4124 2430; [email protected]


2ew must be followed. Drivers must leave their vehicles. We assume no liability for injuries to persons or damage to vehicles by third parties. Two-wheelers must ensure the stability of their vehicles themselves, as the ferry may be subject to strong movements at times due to wave action and necessary driving manoeuvres. In the event that the stability of the vehicle is not guaranteed and damage occurs as a result, the driver of the vehicle is liable himself.

In addition to the transport charges for the vehicles, other transport charges must be paid for drivers and other passengers as well as for animals (except farm animals) and heavy or bulky loads.