Martin Elsen Martin Elsen The elbferries "Glückstadt" and "Wilhelm Krooss"

Current Fares

For trucks and cargo

Here you will find the current fares for trucks and freight transports. The fares depend on the size of the vehicles and the weight. Details can be found in the following price tables.

Current waiting times and changes to our schedule can you found on our startpage. If you do not find any information here, we are going according to plan.


Also card payment

You can also pay with a credit or EC card.
We are currently unable to accept DKV and Tankpool cards.

Please pay directly at our staff on board.

Trucks (unloaded and unmanned)*Valid from 1st January until
31st December 2025
Lenght up to 5.00 m13.03 €15.50 €
Lenght up to 6.00 m15.55 €18.50 €
Lenght up to 7.00 m18.91 €22.50 €
Lenght up to 8.00 m22.27 €26.50 €
Lenght up to 9.00 m23.53 €28.00 €
Lenght up to 10.00 m24.37 €29.00 €
Lenght up to 11.00 m26.47 €31.50 €
Lenght up to 12.00 m27.73 €33.00 €
Lenght up to 13.00 m28.99 €34.50 €
Lenght up to 14.00 m30.67 €36.50 €
Lenght up to 15.00 m32.35 €38.50 €
Lenght up to 16.00 m33.19 €39.50 €
Lenght up to 17.00 m34.45 €41.00 €
Lenght up to 18.35 m35.71 €42.50 €
per additional meter (also for overhanging meters)4.20 €5.00 €


For widths over 2.50 m: 30% surcharge on the normal fare
Max. width: 3,50 m (from a width of 3.20 m, please contact us in advance)


Max. length: 23,00 m

Length billing

For vehicles or objects not listed, the invoice is based on the length: per running and started meter = 5.00 € (4.67 € netto)

Frequent travelers discount

This option is available for the transport of the vehicles listed under "Trucks" with a gross vehicle weight of 6 t or more as well as their passengers and loads. The following discounts are granted according to the ferry cost voucher:

  • for 16-20 trips per month - 15%
  • 21-30 trips per month – 20 %
  • more then 30 trips – 22,5 %

In principle, the calendar month shall be deemed to be decisive. Prior consultation with the office is required. Upon submission of the ferry cost receipts.

Further information

  • Max. total weight per vehicle: 45 t
  • Clear height: 4,80 m
  • Transport of dangerous goods in accordance with GGAV-exception no. 8 (B) - dangerous goods surcharge: 18.00 € (15.13 € netto)
  • Fast transporters, vans, trucks, articulated lorries, low loaders, tractors, furniture vans and mobile homes with their respective trailers and semi-trailers as well as long timber and long iron vehicles etc.
  • Special transports after consultation: Phone: +49 (0)4124 2430; [email protected]

* The lengths are based on everything, including fork, luggage rack, etc.

LoadsValid from 1st January until
31st December 2025
by weight, per started 1,000 kg1.18 €1.40 €
Horses, cattle, sheep, calves, pigs, lambs, piglets, etc. are transported only on vehicles. Calculation according to weight like "loads".
Arrow double right

For the issuing of an invoice under 70.00 € we will charge 15.00 €.

You will find further information on monthly billing based on ferry cost receipt here.


Weekly tickets

A weekly ticket can be purchased for motorbikes, passenger cars (excluding mobile homes) and trucks up to 6 t gross vehicle weight. The fare for this ticket is seven times the individual fare for the vehicle and one person. The transport charge for loads and additional persons is to be payed additionally.